In the past year, the collaboration between Deadly Coders and Marsh has borne remarkable fruit, serving as an exemplar of effective partnership in the realm of STEM education. In particular, a ‘pilot’ program was undertaken in Marsh’s Brisbane office, where students from The Murri School engaged in a three-day App Prototyping initiative, utilising a structured design thinking framework to conceptualize insurance-related applications. The resounding success of this pilot program has prompted Marsh to reaffirm its commitment to the partnership, providing additional financial support for the expansion of Deadly Coders’ online platform and the introduction of school-based STEM incursions with The Murri School.
The results of the pilot program were nothing short of remarkable. Under the guidance of mentors, the students demonstrated an exceptional level of creativity and innovation in their app designs. The program breathed new life into the students, infusing them with a sense of empowerment and enthusiasm for STEM education.
Marsh’s dedication to this initiative has been nothing short of remarkable. They recognized the potential of these students and the importance of Deadly Coders’ mission. As a result, they have pledged further financial support, a crucial resource that will empower Deadly Coders to enhance its online platform and extend its reach to a broader audience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Furthermore, they have committed to facilitating school-based STEM incursions in partnership with The Murri School.
These incursions represent a valuable opportunity to introduce students to the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a practical and engaging manner. Through hands-on experiments, projects, and activities, students will be exposed to the wonders of STEM education, igniting a passion for learning and exploration.