Celebrating Deadly Coders’ Success at the TechDiversity Awards
Celebrating Deadly Coders’ Success at the TechDiversity Awards

At Deadly Coders, we believe in the transformative power of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE+I). This belief was recently recognized at the prestigious TechDiversity Awards, a platform dedicated to magnifying the extraordinary impact of DE+I initiatives within technology workforces across various industries. Under the compelling theme “DE+I Powerhouse, Unleashing Impact,” the awards celebrate the resounding influence of DE+I on individuals, organizations, and the broader community.


We are thrilled to announce that Deadly Coders applied and were honored as merit recipients in both the education and business categories. This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment within the STEM fields, especially in the realm of cyber security.


The Grand Event

The TechDiversity Awards ceremony took place at the iconic Grand Hyatt in Melbourne, an evening filled with inspiration and celebration. The event was attended by the Deadly Coders Board, who were joined by esteemed representatives from our partners at the University of Melbourne and ANZ. Their presence underscores the spirit of partnership and collaboration  that drives our initiatives and the collective effort to champion DE+I in every aspect of our work.


Recognizing Our Impact

Our merit awards in the education and business categories highlight the significant strides we have made in empowering First Nations young people. At Deadly Coders, our mission is to spark an interest in STEM from early years through to career pathways, with a particular emphasis on areas where future opportunity and meaningful employment await such as cyber security. By providing accessible education and fostering a supportive community, we aim to create opportunities that pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.


Our Journey

From workshops and mentorship programs to partnerships with leading educational institutions and corporations, our journey has been marked by a series of impactful initiatives. These efforts are designed to break down barriers and create a more inclusive tech industry that values and leverages the diverse perspectives of First Nations individuals.


Looking Ahead

Receiving these awards is not just a recognition of our past efforts but a motivator to continue our mission with even greater vigor. We are committed to expanding our programs, forging new partnerships, and inspiring more young people to pursue careers in STEM. The support from our community and partners like the University of Melbourne and ANZ is crucial as we strive to unleash the full potential of DE+I within the tech industry.


Thank You

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the TechDiversity Awards for this incredible honor and to everyone who has supported Deadly Coders along the way. Together, we are making a difference, one step at a time.

Stay tuned for more updates on our initiatives and how you can get involved in supporting our mission. Let’s continue to drive change and celebrate the power of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all that we do.


For more information about our programs and how to get involved, contact us now!


Deadly Coders – Empowering First Nations Youth in STEM.